Oliver’s Gift Guide ~ Holiday 2012

oliver rue de la marguerite picks

It’s the holidays, and Oliver has been ‘meowing at the bit’ to proffer his very own gift guide for this holiday season.  So, we’re proud to unveil his picks for 2012 and hope they inspire, motivate and overall please everyone on your list this year.  And please remember to shop well, as 10% of our holiday sales will be donated to the ASPCA’s Hurricane Sandy efforts as they continue to help those furry ones in need.

  1. 2 > 1 “…    Oliver may be a cat, but he’s a very smart cat and knows that his happiness, in part, is dependent on keeping Molly, the sole female in the house and deliverer of cat chow, pleased.  Fellas, the same goes for the special ladies in your life.  So treat her to something uniquely spectacular this year, like a lovely Vintage Watch Key Necklace & Earrings Set, because two is always better than one.
  2. Make it personal “…    Ollie often feels that everything in life should revolve around him.  And only him.  But over time, he’s learned to accept that there are other felines in the house and thus, must share Molly’s attention with others.  Yet the cat has a point when it comes to gifting, that point being that personalized items are often far more meaningful and make the giftee’s day that much more special.  So pick up a few money clips for the hunks in your life this holiday season, personalizing them by choosing the country of choice for the male in mind.  They’ll dig ’em, Oliver promises!
  3. Be not confused, a card works just as well “…    Sometimes it’s hard to know what to get for that one relative, in-law, co-worker or friend.  Oliver has that same indecision when it comes to figuring out which napping perch in which to take his afternoon siesta.  So he understands the frustration of shopping for such people, so he recommends a delectable gift card for those ‘hard to buy for’ souls.  Just contact Oliver’s human, Molly, and you can quickly knock this off your holiday list!
Oliver. He likes to pose.

Oliver. He likes to pose.

Be sure to check out all the Holiday 2012 Collection items and please, shop well, so we can donate even more to ASPCA’s Hurricane Sandy efforts!  May your holidays be warm, merry and full of furry love.


santa cat rdlm

Fall is en route…

and so is our new fancypants online store…

Oh oui, you heard us right.  We’re renovating the online store to create a way cooler experience for our r.d.l.m. customers!  What does this include, you sweet ones ask?  For one, we’ve chosen a brand-new and super secure shopping platform through Magento, a visually streamlined appearance with superior shopping navigation AND a greatly expanded selection of both men’s and women’s products. 

But lest you fear we’re losing our trademark feline influence, the esteemed design team here at r.d.l.m. have put their paws down, demanding their customary biography page AND the freedom to pounce around the online store in their own, distinctive ways.  Be on the lookout for their well-defined presence, as they could very well be signs of sales!

Before we sign off this week, we must take a good long minute to remember our sweet, sweet Trapper who passed away before the Labor Day weekend.  With heavy hearts and tails, we say goodbye to one of the greatest cats to ever roam the earth.  Here’s to you, Trapperkins, we love you so.

Trapper Condit, the coolest puss of all.

till next week, miaowy hugs to all,

Rue de la Marguerite cat with watch necklace

r.d.l.m. pour les hommes….

So we’ve taken the memo “do you have stuff for guys?” seriously….

In 2012, we’re excited to announce the development of our men’s accessories line at the behest of many a happy r.d.l.m. women’s customer.  Here’s a sneak peek at some delectable new items for the opposite sex:


cufflinks, anyone?

men's accessories, rue de la marguerite

Custom design for our dear friend Vish K., in NYC

We’re also on the road to expanding our women’s lines to include awesome open face watch rings, gemstone embellished watch designs and hand-wrapped bracelets, so hang tight and we’ll have ’em out soon!!!


Rue de la Marguerite cat with watch necklace